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Our New "Green Dream"

Since our inception in 1967, ecology and sustainability have been at the heart of Villa di Maria (VdM). From the start, VdM had a “green dream” to establish the first “green” school in the St. Louis area, inspiring and supporting other schools to do the same. In our recent redesign of the campus, adding buildings for our Elementary and Children's House classrooms, we have sought to reduce our energy footprint and preserve the natural landscape. Recognizing our efforts, Ameren awarded VdM $5,000 for our our Elementary building which aligned with many LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) benchmarks.VdM’s expansive six-acre outdoor campus offers many opportunities for children to engage in and appreciate the beauty of the natural world. Children collect and study leaves for a botany lesson, plant seedlings in the garden, participate in nature walks, create forts in the woods, and care for our chickens. VdM has naturally and organically engaged in many sustainable practices such as composting, recycling, and water conservation through rain barrel use. Not only does our physical campus reflect our environmental concern, but our Montessori philosophy and pedagogy also reinforces our efforts. The knowledge that we are interconnected beings in a larger ecosystem of the classroom, society, and the world (including the natural world) is built into the culture and lessons of the Montessori classroom. Montessori philosophy deeply values the natural world and offers that perspective to the child through engaging lessons in botany, zoology, and ecology. A Montessori environment contains many plants and animals to observe, care for and from which to learn. Currently, our classrooms contain a variety of pets including a bearded dragon, hamsters, guinea pigs, a hedgehog and fish, to name a few. Children participate in the research of and care for these animals, preparing a suitable habitat and ensuring their nutritional needs are met. The children also tend to a myriad of types of plants within the prepared environment. Through these daily interactions, children learn the various needs of living things around them and recognize their place in a vast network of interconnected living and non-living elements.In addition to the Montessori lessons and physical environment of the classroom, the Montessori approach naturally fosters responsible and thoughtful behavior in the children toward the world around them. On-going “Grace and Courtesy” lessons demonstrate to the children how to engage appropriately with their peers in their community and care for the entirety of the prepared environment (read more about “Grace and Courtesy” in this blog post!). The classroom guides model these behaviors and social interactions, and through their observations and experiences, the children begin to develop a deep awareness of their integral role within their classroom community. To understand our impact on the larger world ecosystem, we must first appreciate our role in the smaller communities of which we’re a part, including the family and the classroom. Starting this work at an early age inspires Villa children to think and dream big with respect to their impact on their local communities and the world.In part due to the inspiration of our elementary children who have grown up learning such Montessori principles and practices, we challenged ourselves to take even more practical steps in our care for the earth, formalizing our commitment into strategic goals. Missouri Green Schools and Green Schools Quest provided us that framework and recognition to guide us further in our pursuit of ecological justice.Missouri Green Schools (MGS) is a statewide recognition program that provides structure, resources and guidance to schools seeking to create sustainable, eco-friendly learning environments. There are five levels of recognition in the MGS program. Villa has already met the requirements for the first level and our goal is to meet all five levels by 2026, thus becoming a Green Ribbon School. Green Schools Quest is a part of the MGS program specifically geared to implement the goals in individual schools through yearly project-based challenges (hence a quest). These projects are meant to be student-driven, low-cost, and guided by a green mentor, with the chance to win cash prizes at the end of the year.Our Green Schools Quest Green Mentor, Benjamin Winkler, has been incredibly helpful in raising awareness and educating our community about proper waste diversion. He conducted a waste audit with the elementary children, helping them recognize what was in their classroom waste bins and how they could improve their sorting habits. He also presented an entertaining puppet show to the Children’s Houses and hosted other fun activities to educate and inspire the elementary children.      Our self-proclaimed Green Schools Quest challenge this year is to recycle more and recycle better. We’ve upped our recycling game by engaging in the TerraCycle program. Classrooms collect snack and candy wrappers in a jar which they deliver monthly to a specific drop-off site. Elementary children volunteer to help measure and accompany transport of these wrappers on going-outs. Elementary children also spear-headed both the Halloween Candy Wrapper Collection and Electronics Recycling Event this year, and they participate in writing weekly eco-tips for the Wednesday Notes (VdM’s weekly parent newsletter). We are so pleased to witness the eager participation of the children in each of our endeavors, as we seek to raise their eco-conciousness and experience.Our VdM children continue to inspire us, and we hope you feel inspired too! Look for a community eco event coming this Spring, as we’d love to continue to involve our whole community in our quest for sustainability at VdM. If you’d like more information about our Green Initiatives or desire to support our efforts on campus, please reach out to  Martha Erickson ( Together we can be a part of forming the next generation into responsible humans that care for the environment, their communities, and the world. 

Grace and Courtesy in the First Plane of Development

Ever wonder how a classroom of 28 (or more) children, each engaged in their own activity, remains a calm and orderly environment? How do Montessori guides elicit appropriate behavior in their students? Lessons in Grace and Courtesy (another Montessori Buzzword!) account for much of this reality. Today, we’ll share with you what we mean by “grace and courtesy” in a Montessori classroom.Grace describes the harmony of our own mind and body. Courtesy describes the extension of that grace to others. Through Grace and Courtesy lessons, guides demonstrate and model how to handle certain situations that naturally occur in the classroom environment, which include language and movement.We will focus on the first plane of development in this blog post, which includes children from birth to six years old. Grace and Courtesy lessons occur in elementary classrooms as well, but take on particular nuances because of the differing developmental needs of the older child. We will look at that age group specifically in a future blog post.Guides use Grace and Courtesy lessons to show children how to walk around a work rug, how to blow their nose, how to ask for help, or how to greet adults and each other. The lessons are narrow in focus and aim to introduce a specific skill so as not to confuse the child. For example, the guide would introduce separate lessons for offering assistance versus asking for help. Grace and Courtesy lessons are usually presented to a small group of children and at a neutral time after a particular behavior or language has been observed. The guide might notice an issue in the classroom and make a note to present that particular lesson at a later time.A lesson might look like this:1. The guide starts by inviting the children to the lesson, “I’m going to show you how to walk around a work rug.”2. The guide models for the child how to properly walk around the work rug. When the guide demonstrates the movement, they keep the words separate from the action. Because the child is in a sensitive period for language development, their brain will focus only on the words said and miss the action demonstrated, if the two are not separated. As Dr. Maria Montessori said,

“Do not tell them how to do it. Show them how to do it and do not say a word. If you tell them, they will watch your lips move. If you show them, they will want to do it themselves.”

3. The guide then invites each child to practice the activity. As always, it is optional for the child.The guide does not remind the child to put this lesson into practice in a real-life situation. If pressure is applied to the child to perform these activities, children can develop negative feelings towards the lesson and avoid the behavior we seek. Ideally, the activity will be recalled spontaneously by the child when they notice what is required and are ready to perform the task. They may need the lesson presented again until they choose to demonstrate their knowledge, and the second presentation would be offered as if the first had never happened.The guide always focuses on the positive behavior she wants to see in the child, as opposed to the negative. In the rug lesson above, the guide would be careful not to step on the rug in her modeling, as that is an action to be avoided. Children tend to copy what they see adults do; thus, guides always model the behavior and conduct they want to evoke in the child.These lessons can be implemented at home as well. Perhaps you notice the shoes are consistently scattered all over the mudroom and you’d like them to be placed on the shoe rack instead. With your young child, you could take them aside at some neutral time and tell them, “I’m going to show you how to put your shoes on the shoe rack.” Then demonstrate the action you’d like them to practice. Start with your shoes on your feet, model taking them off and placing them nicely on the shoe rack. Ask your child if they’d like to try. It’s fine for them to say no. Watch and see if this positive behavior starts to show up more in their day-to-day routine and make sure you model this action consistently for them, as well.The child instinctively wants to be like the adults they are with and to do the right thing. These lessons give the child the opportunities to practice and perform these appropriate actions in their own time, without introducing shame. This brings the child feelings of security, competence, and joy to know what to expect and what to do in each situation in which they find themselves. As Dr. Montessori said,

“A child who becomes a master of his acts through repeated exercises of grace and courtesy, and who has been encouraged by the pleasant and interesting activities in which he has been engaged, is a child filled with health and joy.

We Are VdM: Jaxson Morrow

The very best part of Villa di Maria is our people. Our community of families, faculty and staff is something to be proud of. In this series, We are VdM, we highlight the energies, talents, humor and wisdom of some of our amazing people. Today, we’ll get to know Jaxson Morrow, Lower Elementary (Checkerboard) classroom assistant. Wherever he goes, Jaxson brings his friendly vibes and keen intuition with him. A favorite with the campers, we knew Jaxson was a keeper ever since we first met him as a counselor at our summer camp. We couldn't be happier about his return to VdM, now as a classroom assistant, where his warm and supportive presence enliven the environment daily.

What brought you to Montessori/Villa?

What brought me to Villa was first starting at Camp Pegnita. I worked two summers at Pegnita, and it was the best time at a job I ever had. I looked forward to going every day. I genuinely had so much fun, coming up with games, doing the all-camp events and just getting to know the kids. When I decided to take a gap year from school during my Spring 2023 semester I reached out to Ms.Megan, one of our camp directors, to see if Villa had an opening for the next school year. My aim was to gain experience in the classroom to see if I wanted to pursue education for my degree, but also to experience the Montessori approach first hand. Before all this, however, I went to high school at Rockwood Summit in Fenton. Next, I went to pursue a degree in Civil Engineering at Mizzou, where I discovered that I didn't like math as much as I should have for any engineering profession.

What is something you love about the Montessori approach?

My favorite thing about the Montessori approach is the fact that almost all of the learning is hands-on, something that I so wished I had when I was in school. I specifically remember one day when Ms. Megan demonstrated the Rack and Tubes lesson for me, and I was mind-blown by how easy it was to understand and how it connected with other lessons such as the Bead Frame or the Checkerboard. Another aspect of Montessori that I think is amazing is the amount of independence each child gets for their education, the ability to choose what they want to work on, and how they can naturally progress at their own rate academically is so fascinating to observe.

What is your favorite thing to do on the weekend?

My favorite thing to do on the weekend is to spend time with my friends and family whether it's playing a video game with my little brother and sister, going to dinner at my parent's house, or visiting my friends in Columbia.

What was your favorite book as a child and why?

My favorite book as a child was The Hunger Games. I've always been a huge fan of dystopian worlds, and these books have amazing world-building to where I could feel like I was there and experience the world.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Growing up I wanted to be a variety of things. I was interested in everything! I would look up at the stars and want to be an astronomer, watch a documentary about the Great Barrier Reef, and then decide to be a marine biologist. I'd see the mountains and want to be a geologist or visit a big city and want to be a city planner or an architect. I never could make up my mind until now.

What is a favorite memory/quote so far from the classroom?

So far this year I have many, many quotes and memories from the classroom. My prime source of comedy is from the classroom. So far this year the best quote was from subbing in an upper elementary classroom when one of the children came up to me and said “Mr.Jaxson, did you know farts are like feelings, if you hold them in they can hurt, and if you let them out they can be messy.” Promptly after I heard that, it became my life motto. Truly I have never heard anything more accurate in my life and it made me laugh.

Going Out in the Montessori Elementary Classroom

 If you have an elementary child at a Montessori school or if you spend any time on our socials, you probably have heard or seen the phrase “Going Out”. And does the Montessori lingo never end?! It is probably one of the things students most look forward to about being in elementary.  “I get to go explore outside of the classroom!!” Besides being a lot of fun, these opportunities for Going Out serve many purposes for the elementary-age child. Today, let’s deep dive into one of the most-loved, and perhaps most-unique, aspects of the Montessori Elementary classroom, the Going Out.Going Out is a critical component of the Montessori Elementary classroom (grades 1-6). The Elementary child is in the 2nd plane of development (age 6-12 years) and therefore has unique proclivities and needs. If you don’t know about Montessori’s planes of development, check out the blog post entitled, “Montessori Theory: The Four Planes of Development”. The rational mind of the 2nd plane child is ready to dive into the “Why” behind everything! Why is the sun warm? Why do we have rules in a community? Why do I have to listen to you? Why does my family make different decisions than yours? In the classroom, the child explores their questions through research, reports and larger projects. The Montessori guide connects the child to materials and books in the classroom to further fuel interests, but they must go beyond the classroom to fully satisfy their need for answers. Going Out provides an opportunity for the child to dive further into the research process by visiting a local museum, zoo, library, and the like, to gain real-world knowledge that could not possibly exist in the classroom. Additionally, the classroom guide might connect the child with an expert in the field for an interview.A second reason for Going Outs is that the child emerges as a social being in the 2nd plane. In the first plane, the child is experiencing their own personal development (learning to walk, talk, and gaining functional independence), but as they enter the 2nd plane there becomes an acute awareness of the people around them and a desire to relate and to connect. The child becomes fascinated by community dynamics, how to belong, and the expectations and guidelines of each community member. Desire outstrips ability at this early social stage and, at first, the child needs a lot of guidance and support from classroom adults to navigate the misunderstandings and disagreements that naturally arise. The social neophyte requires experience in the real world to witness civil adult interaction and to practice taking part in their culture. The child needs opportunities to pay at a cash register, ask for help from the librarian or store clerk, navigate their way around town, and learn the various expectations for behavior in different venues (concert hall vs. basketball stadium). Going Out is a perfect way for our Elementary children to practice how to interact in their society and to develop their emerging social instinct.Some might say, isn’t Going Out like a field trip? While both experiences take the child outside the classroom, field trips are generally for the whole classroom and are planned by the teacher. For example, the class might attend the symphony or museum exhibit, but those trips are organized and led by adults. Going Out is different in that it is planned and carried out by small groups of students with minimal assistance by the adults. The children gain experience with phone conversations and email correspondence as they plan their Going Out, and they must engage with and navigate their way using maps to find the best route to their location. While at the location, they are responsible for leading the way and communicating with shop owners, docents, etc. Chaperones are present to give support when needed but they allow space for the child to learn from their experience, and even from their mistakes when safe to do so. For example, a chaperone driver will follow directions from the child, even if it means taking a wrong turn, so that the child can have the experience of solving the problem of potentially getting lost.We are so lucky to have the supportive parent community and staff that expands our ability to take students on Going Outs. These experiences deepen the learning initiated in the classroom and foster the social development of the 2nd plane child.

Dr. Montessori said, “When the child goes out, it is the world itself that offers itself to him. Let us take the child out to show him real things instead of making objects which represent ideas and closing them up in cupboards.”

Objects are important for grasping concepts, and we certainly use them in the elementary Montessori environment, but without connecting them to life outside the classroom, we deprive students of deeper learning and the opportunity to find their place in a wider world.

We Are VdM: Martha Erickson

The very best part of Villa di Maria is our people. Our community of families, faculty and staff is something to be proud of. In this series, We are VdM, we’ll highlight the energies, talents, humor and wisdom of some of our amazing people. Today, we’ll get to know Martha Erickson, our new and wonderful office coordinator. Though the Erickson family is not new to our VdM family (Arthur-Checkerboard, Miles-P3), having Martha on staff this Fall has brought welcome support and efficiency to our admin team! We became acquainted with her many talents and warm personality last year as a floater in several classrooms and we couldn't be happier to have more of her lovely presence every day this year.

Tell us a bit about your day to day at VdM...

I may arguably have the best position at Villa di Maria. I am fortunate to interact with parents, staff, visitors, and children on a daily basis. You’ll often find me at pick-up and drop-off. If I’m not there, it’s because I’m subbing in one of our magical classrooms. I’m your go-to person for any questions about logistics during the school day and if you have inquiries about admissions or enrollment. I love that I get to connect with every single person on campus!

How did you discover Montessori/VdM? What's your background?

I graduated college with a degree in Early Childhood and worked as a preschool teacher at New City School from 2009-2015. I had been exposed to the Montessori Method in some of my undergraduate classes, but took a deep dive into the literature after a colleague told me about her past experiences in a Montessori classroom. With each piece of information I’d receive, I became more and more enthralled with Montessori teachings. I feel like I see a clear picture of child development when I look through the lens of Maria Montessori. It has been a wonderful tool as a parent and I’m so grateful my children get to experience this type of education.

What is something you love about the Montessori method?

There are many things I love about the Montessori method. The first thing I love is that it really allows the child to be seen. By that I mean that they are seen for their abilities and those abilities are honored. They are given the chance to progress at their own rate, both socially and academically. Another thing I love about Montessori is that it preserves childhood. In a world that is fast paced, so technologically driven and encourages us to push, push, push, Montessori offers a breather. Children are given time to explore at their own pace. The expectations placed upon them are ones driven from individual observation and careful consideration to their specific plane of development. Specifically at Villa, the campus is a wonderland of possibilities and even better, they are given the TIME to exercise that childhood magic.

What is your favorite thing to do on the weekend?

My favorite thing to do on a weekend is spend time with my family, whether we’re going on a hike, camping, BBQing, going out to dinner, watching a movie or whatever else, as long as we’re together. This is not to say that I also appreciate my alone time very much. You can find me with a book, a yoga mat or my group of close girlfriends and a content expression on my face.

What was your favorite book as a child and why?

Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney. I still read it often because it takes me to a beautiful place with a message that inspires me.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a singer and actor on Broadway! Thanks for sharing with us, Martha! We're so glad you're on the team!

We Are VdM: Shannon O'Connell

The very best part of Villa di Maria is our people. Our community of families, faculty and staff is something to be proud of. In this series, We are VdM, we’ll highlight the energies, talents, humor and wisdom of some of our amazing people. Today, we’ll meet Shannon O'Connell, afternoon assistant in the P1 Children's House classroom. We are delighted Shannon re-joined our team this Fall! Shannon first worked at VdM as a floater and late stay staff, where she fell in love with the Montessori approach and consequently pursued AMI certification for Primary (ages 3-6 years). She returns to campus with diploma in hand and is a welcome addition to the P1 community!

How did you discover Montessori?

I actually did not know anything about Montessori when I first started working at Villa. I previously was working at School of Rock in Kirkwood where, coincidentally, a lot of VdM families were attending. I have a background in Entertainment and Media Business. I have always worked with children in some capacity as a nanny, swim coach, and working at School of Rock. I wanted to move away from music business and more into working directly with younger children because they make my heart happy. So, I found Villa in 2017 and when I started, I saw a bunch of familiar faces from School of Rock. I started out as a floater and was the lead for Primary/Children's House late stay. I was subbing for someone who was doing their student teaching for the AMI primary training in P3. While spending time in P3 and seeing Heather/Mrs. Steinman give lessons and seeing the children being so independent made me interested in not only Montessori but doing the AMI training myself. Back in 2019 I attended Silent Journey as a staff member and I was blown away by experiencing the materials the way the children do. I recall telling Robyn that I was applying for AMI training the second I returned home and here I am!

What is something you love about the Montessori approach?

There are so many things I love about the Montessori approach, but the main thing is that I love that Montessori isn't only about the academics, it's about the whole child. As they say in training, we are giving them the keys to the world. It amazes me every single day seeing children achieve functional independence and observing them work on developing their will. I love that Montessori offers grace and courtesy (Grace and Courtesy presentation may include how to greet, how to introduce, how to get the guide’s attention, how to walk around a rug, how to give and receive a present, how to ask someone to observe their work, how to have a polite mealtime conversation etc.). Together, Grace and Courtesy create a human who is socially conscious.

What is your favorite thing to do on the weekend?

My absolute favorite thing to do on the weekend is have a picnic on Art Hill and maybe read a book and then go visit my favorite pieces of art at the Art Museum.

What was your favorite book as a child and why?

I was gifted the complete collections of Winnie The Pooh by A. A. Milne as a child and those were my favorites. I loved the adventures that they all went on, looking for Heffalumps or finding replacements for Eeyore's tail. Eeyore has always been my favorite character of that bunch.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to produce television (the next Aaron Spelling) or produce movies. Although I didn't quite make it to Hollywood, I have become the "go to" person for any video needs from anyone in my family, including my nephew.

What is a favorite memory/quote from the classroom?

I was lucky enough to do my student teaching in P1 in the Spring. I gave multiple children lessons on word problems and seeing them go back and take them out by themselves was so beautiful. A favorite quote from my student teaching in P1 was "You're going to make a wonderful teacher someday!" So far, this school year, a child had asked me if they could practice the bow frame and I asked if Mrs. Milos had given them a lesson on it yet and the child replied with "No! You did, Silly!" I thought that was quite hilarious, as I did not remember this moment from student teaching, but I'm glad I'm known for the bow frame as it is definitely my favorite material.
Thanks for letting us get to know you better, Shannon! We are so glad to have you back at VdM!!

Montessori Theory: The Human Tendencies

Today we pick up the thread of our Montessori Theory series we began last spring. In our Theory series, we dive deep into the foundational principles of the Montessori method and look at how these principles are put into practice at school . Today we’ll unpack Montessori’s “Human Tendencies”, why they are important and how they are addressed in the pedagogy.

Montessori education is more than just a philosophy of education. It is preparation for life.

Dr. Maria Montessori sought to understand how to cultivate the greatest potential in human beings. Through extensive observations, Dr. Montessori  noticed that all people possess shared tendencies. What is a tendency? It is a natural urge, an impulse, an inclination that leads without reason or conscious design. We are not always aware of our tendencies but much of human behavior originates as a result of these tendencies. Humans exhibit certain tendencies: order, communication, orientation, exploration, repetition, abstraction, manipulation, work, activity, and exactness. These human tendencies operate within the child to guide her self-construction. These universal human tendencies form a foundation for Montessori’s method of education. An environment and pedagogy that meets these universal needs provides the fertile soil in which a child (or any human!) can flourish.Let’s explore several of these human tendencies in light of Dr. Montessori’s “vision for life.”


Humans prefer order to chaos. Montessori classrooms create a well-organized, predictable and structured environment to bring order to the child’s mind. A young child, before the age of six, especially thrives in an externally ordered environment. As she seeks to place herself in relationship to the world she needs to find stability, order and continuity. After six-years-old, the child internalizes this order in her mind and needs less external order. The elementary child, rather, seeks foremost to order his mind.


Humans need to communicate with one another in order to survive. It is critical for the development of the child that the guide allows communication in the classroom. In a Montessori environment, children are provided opportunities to develop their communication skills and ultimately they are encouraged to express their thoughts and share what is on their mind with others. Mastery of communication skills is empowering and important. Montessori environments are alive with the natural buzz of language as children collaborate with each other in their work. Montessori environments do not demand silence during a work period because guides recognize the critical importance of communication for a thriving learning community.

Orientation and Exploration

Humans like to know how we fit into our respective world and the various environments in which we find ourselves. Our senses are the key to helping us situate and orient to any space or place. Humans are naturally, endlessly curious beings and desire to explore beyond their borders of land and space. Montessori guides consider this dynamic when new children enter the classroom constantly thinking about how to best aid a child on her quest to adapt and orient to a new environment


Children have an innate drive to repeat activities until they feel satisfied in their mastery. The youngest children repeat tasks over and over without tiring. The elementary child (6-12 years old) continues to need repetition, but she needs variety in her repetition. The elementary environment caters to this need by offering multiple materials that teach a single concept. For example, children use the checkerboard, the flat bead frame, and the large bead frame to practice long multiplication.


Abstraction is the ability to understand a concept without the aid of physical or  concrete materials. Dr. Montessori observed that humans create what first only exists in their minds. As a result, the Montessori method first exposes children to concepts with the aid of a concrete material, allowing them to explore the concept sensorially before moving to more symbolic representations and, ultimately, abstraction. Moving from concrete to abstract produces a fuller and deeper understanding of a given concept.


Humans are driven to activity which is aided by physical manipulation of our natural environment. Dr. Montessori recognized that the hand and the mind are linked in the pursuit of understanding. Humans possess a proclivity towards work, and we use our hands to achieve our mental and physical ends.


Through manipulation with our hands, humans tend towards exactness, the final human tendency, which can also be described as “self-perfection”. Humans possess the natural desire for precision in their work and we find tremendous satisfaction in giving maximum effort for a worthy product. Guides, aware of  this tendency, frequently ask elementary children if they are doing their best work.As you consider these universal human tendencies, which ones do you notice most in yourself  and your child? As you become aware of the tendencies operating in your daily life, how can you set up your own environment and schedule to facilitate their expression for you and your child?Dr. Maria Montessori believed that educators have the responsibility to understand universal human tendencies in order to best guide the child’s self-construction. When we embrace these tendencies in our own environments, we promote the flourishing of each child and help them realize their fullest potential in the world.

5 Montessori Myths

At Villa di Maria, we’re not hiding the fact that we love Montessori and all the good things it offers children. We get to see the method in action every day and the joy it brings each student. Sometimes families come to us with misconceptions about the Montessori approach. They’ve heard things that don’t sit well with them or prompt skepticism. We love when people bring their questions to us because we know Montessori is up to the task and we relish an opportunity to discuss our favorite topic, Montessori education!In this post we’ll address some of the myths people encounter about Montessori schools and students. We hope that it leads you to look again and consider all that this unique approach has to offer. Everyone is welcome, whether you know alot about Montessori or nothing at all!

1. Montessori is only for the wealthy.

Though the majority of Montessori schools in the U.S. are privately funded, the roots of Montessori present a different perspective. Dr. Maria Montessori started her first school in an Italian slum caring for children whose parents worked all day outside the home. Today more and more Montessorians seek to make Montessori education more accessible to a wider group of children in the world and the U.S. Today, there are more than 500 publicly funded Montessori schools in the United States. The National Center for Montessori in the Public Sector (see their website here: strives to bring Montessori education to more publicly funded schools in the U.S. Villa di Maria desires to offer a Montessori education to as many children as possible regardless of income or economic status. We believe the gift of Montessori should be accessible to families that are deeply committed to providing this educational experience for their child despite financial barriers. Through our generous donors, VdM offers tuition discounts and financial aid to many families in our community.

2. Montessori fails to adequately prepare children for high school and college.

Many parents share the concern, “Will my child be ready for school after VdM, if they transition to a non-Montessori school?” A true Montessori education prepares the child for life, including life outside the context of Montessori. Guides ensure students have all the lessons and skills the state requires for each grade level. Students at VdM start taking yearly standardized tests at grade 4 to prepare them for test taking in “the real world”. Guides practice test taking skills with these students so they will be adequately prepared. As for how Montessori students compare to children in a traditional education setting, several studies have been done that show Montessori students outperform non-Montessori students on standardized tests on some measures. You can check out the latest study here: about homework?Though Montessori doesn't usually assign homework, through the development of self-management skills in the classroom (choosing their own work, etc.), students have no trouble managing homework in high school or college. Montessori students are used to arriving at their own understanding through manipulation of concrete materials and thus are better prepared to learn in any context throughout their lives. VdM has heard from many of our alums that they found it quite easy to transition to a traditional school experience, though they miss the Montessori setting! In the months to come, we’ll hear from some of these former students on the blog to learn how Montessori prepared them for life after VdM.

3. Montessori allows unrestricted freedom to the child.

Many folks know that Montessori allows for freedom of movement and work choices in the classroom. They fear that means children have complete freedom to do whatever they want without any accountability. It is true that in a Montessori classroom children choose their activity, where they work, and with whom they work, but this does not result in disorder or unbalanced work choices. Montessori offers freedom to children based on their ability to responsibly manage it. Some children may need more support and scaffolding in the classroom than others. For some children choosing work from the whole classroom can be overwhelming. For those children, the guide might offer two choices, “Would you like to do a bead chain or metal inset next?” Other children may work best when situated near an adult. The guide might position herself or the assistant nearby for quick help.In Elementary, guides utilize tools such as the work journal and the weekly conference to hold students accountable for their use of work time. Elementary students record their work choices and the duration spent on each activity throughout the work periods (morning and afternoon) in their work journals. The guide and student then meet each week to review the work in their journals and reflect together on the use of the work periods to cover all subject areas of the classroom. They also set goals for the following week and make plans for improvement and growth.

4. Montessori is a type of prep-school concerned primarily with getting students into elite higher-education programs.

Montessori cares about developing the whole child–the social, academic, emotional, and physical aspects of the child. The Montessori approach allows students to progress at their own pace and many exceed the curriculum and standards set by the state for their grade level. As shown above, Montessori students tend to perform well on standardized tests when compared to their peers. The high performance of many Montessori students might lead some to think that is the sole aim of Montessori philosophy–simply to pump out academically “smart” kids. While Montessorians do care about developing and sharpening students’ intellectual capabilities and we know they will go on to do great things, we equally value keeping their curiosities alive and giving them opportunities to develop the social and emotional skills they will need to thrive in their lives.

5. Montessori is only for “gifted” students or for children with learning differences.

Montessori can benefit any child, whether categorized by society as “gifted”, “normal” or with learning differences. Montessori applied her child-centered approach in schools with intellectually challenged children to great success. She also saw benefit when applying her philosophy in schools with children without so-called “learning disabilities”. Many families seek out a Montessori program because the traditional school model is not working for their child–the lack of movement, adult-led and frequent transitions between subject areas/tasks, less opportunity to advance at their child’s unique learning pace. The many benefits of a Montessori classroom, including freedom of movement, hands-on learning, and ample access to the outdoors, can be helpful to children who have specific learning differences or are classified as “gifted”. While VdM does not offer an explicit Special Education program during the school day, there are opportunities to connect to Special School District for support outside the classroom. The strength of Montessori is that it allows each child to move at their own unique pace of learning and to become life-long learners with the skills necessary to thrive in a complex world.We hope addressing these commonly heard Montessori myths prompts you to further explore your own questions about how best to achieve a holistic, child-centered approach to education. We believe Montessori best fits the developmental needs of the child at each age and stage of development and we’d love to talk to you more about how! Reach out to our staff to talk more or peruse our rich resource of blog posts. Here’s a good place to start:  

Congratulations to our 2022 Graduates!

We could not be more proud of our sixth years and all the work they’ve accomplished to arrive at graduation! The sixth-year graduation ceremony is always a mix of joy and tears as we celebrate the beautiful students who have called Villa di Maria their home for years, while also saying goodbye to these special folks we’ve come to love. Today we’ll share a glimpse into this most special event at VdM, the honoring and celebration of our graduates as they move on to their next stage of learning and development. Traditionally, graduation opens with an address by their guide, Ms. Rebecca. This year Rebecca framed the event in terms of “superpowers” the students possessed. She shared how each individual used their special powers for the good of VdM to improve our community during their time here. She called on them to continue to develop and carry these superpowers into their next endeavors.The highlight of the ceremony is the presentation of the students’ speeches. Upper Elementary guides offer editing assistance during the writing process, but the words and ideas come authentically from the students. Each sixth year is asked to describe their journey at VdM in terms of the metaphor that best frames their experience and describes their unique strengths and weaknesses during their time at VdM. This year students chose metaphors such as video gaming, the journey of the hero in a novel, cooking, and many more!It is a treat to hear the unique style and expression in each speech, revealing the personality of the speaker. Many students shared about the challenges the pandemic brought into their lives, as they had to learn from home for a portion of their career at VdM. As the VdM community takes in these speeches, we bask in amazement at how far each child has come in their self-awareness, emotional intelligence, writing ability and confidence to speak with such poise in front of a large crowd. Each sixth-year student spoke with an eloquence and calm beyond their years! Next come the fifth-year dedications—fifth-year students share their own short speeches about the graduates. Many of the fifth- and sixth-year students have long and meaningful friendships that go back to their shared time in the Children’s House. During the dedication speeches, the fifth years share their memories about their older classmates with humor, fondness and admiration. After speeches comes the photo slideshow of each graduate from infancy to present day. Many “awws” were heard as the crowd enjoyed cute baby photos of the now-12-year-olds standing before them. Finally, diplomas are awarded by the Head of School. Handshakes, hugs and high fives are shared by their teachers and fellow graduates as tears and applause flow from the audience.  As we say goodbye to some of our favorite people, we do so with great joy and pride, knowing they will carry their unique superpowers and growing self-assuredness into the world with them to make it a better place. Thank you, graduates, for how you have shaped and led our community at VdM this year. We look forward to seeing your faces again and hearing of new adventures when you come back to visit!! 

We Are VdM: Lucy Sappington

The very best part of Villa di Maria is our people. Our community of families, faculty and staff is something to be proud of. In this series, We are VdM, we’ll highlight the energies, talents, humor and wisdom of some of our amazing people. Today, we’ll meet Lucy Sappington, assistant in the Lower Elementary Checkerboard classroom. We are thrilled Lucy joined our team this Fall! Her encouraging, peaceful presence and theatrical background contribute immensely to her students and the entire community.

How did you discover Montessori/How did you come to VdM?

I saw the job opening! I had some awareness of the Montessori method before applying, and I did some more research before my interview. I really loved the idea of allowing children more freedom and choice in their own education, which led me to apply.

What is something you love about Montessori?

I love that the children are encouraged to follow their interests. I love hearing a child express interest in a topic and then getting to say “Let’s find out more about it!”

What is your favorite thing to do on the weekend?

I always try to find time on the weekends to do some reading. It relaxes me like nothing else in the world! I also always try to find time to spend with my friends—I’m an extrovert and would suffer without my social interaction.

What was your favorite book as a child and why?

As a child one of my absolute favorite books was the Secret Garden. In fact, it’s still one of my favorite books. I’m a huge believer in the healing power of fresh air and nature!

What did you want to be when you grew up?

As a child I was totally convinced that I would become a famous actress some day! I still do community theatre so really…there’s still a chance, right?

What is a favorite memory/quote so far with one of your students?

I have gotten the chance to help “produce” two different student-written plays, which is SO fun. I love theatre and improv so I love helping students discover their own dramatic side.Word on the street is she does the best dramatic readings for read aloud every day in her classroom! Thanks for all you do, Lucy! We're so glad you're here!  

Montessori Theory: The Four Planes of Development

While we (shamelessly) love to show off our school and community in the Villa di Maria blog, we are also here to spread the word about Montessori beyond our campus—demystifying and celebrating the Montessori method of education in the hopes that more people will discover its benefits for children and families.You’ve seen our recent posts from our 101 series, where we breakdown some of the terminology you might find in a Montessori school. This week, we’ll kick off another series, all about Montessori theory. In our Theory series, we’ll dive deep into the foundational principles of the Montessori method and take a look at how these theories come into practice in the school setting. We’ll start today with “The Four Planes of Development.” The work of the Montessori guide, the organization of the Montessori classroom, the design and function of Montessori materials—everything about the Montessori method—it all comes down to the four planes.The four planes of development are 6-year stages of child development, from birth to adulthood. In her research and work with children, Dr. Maria Montessori observed that children and adolescents develop through natural stages which can be defined by specific characteristics and developmental needs: birth to age 6; ages 6 to 12; ages 12 to 18, and ages 18 to 24. Dr. Montessori believed it was crucial to serve the specific developmental characteristics and needs of children in each plane, to allow them to move with strength into each following plane and prepare them for adulthood.

If "the formation of man" [sic] becomes the basis of education, then the coordination of all schools from infancy to maturity, from nursery to university, arises as a first necessity: for man is a unity, an individuality that passes through interdependent phases of development. Each preceding phase prepares the one that follows, forms its base, nurtures the energies that urge towards the succeeding period of life.-Dr. Maria Montessori

Montessori education is designed to follow children through these planes—through their natural patterns of development. Montessori classroom environments intentionally foster the natural characteristics of each plane. Montessori guides receive rigorous training to facilitate each child’s incredible journey through each plane by meeting and challenging their academic, social, and emotional needs.

Planes and Transitions

Before we dive into each plane, it is crucial to note that, while Dr. Montessori defines each plane by a six-year age span, the transitions from plane to plane do not occur at hard-and-fast dates. For instance, a child transitions from the first to the second plane around age 6, but not necessarily on the 6th birthday—there is no timer on a plane of development. Instead, the planes are used as a framework, and each child moves through the planes at their own individual pace. In fact, this individual progression is a hallmark of Montessori education.

The First Plane of Development: Infancy (birth – 6 years)

The first plane of development is defined by the construction of the individual—this is when young children begin to develop a sense of self. In a nurturing environment, children naturally build physical and biological independence as they learn to carry out progressively more complex activities independently. They learn to move, take care of their bodily needs, and communicate—all with very little formal instruction. A child is born with an innate faculty named by Dr. Montessori as “the absorbent mind.” The absorbent mind observes and takes in stimuli just like a camera—concretely, exactly as it is—and empowers the child to learn so much about the world without conscious effort. At Villa di Maria, children in this plane are served in the Young Children’s Community (ages 14 months – 3 years) and the Children’s House (ages 3 – 6). These environments take advantage of the absorbent mind by introducing the children to concrete concepts about self-care, language, geography, math, biology, and community care. The guides capitalize on the young child’s ability to learn through their absorbent mind by introducing vocabulary and facts about the world through their lessons and by modeling grace and courtesy in their communities. As they develop through the first plane, children in a Montessori environment are offered endless opportunities to gain knowledge of themselves, their communities, and the world—knowledge that will be used as the foundation for the upcoming second plane.

Second Plane of Development: Childhood (6 – 12 years)

In the second plane of development, the child acquires mental independence and a burgeoning social awareness. During this stage, there is a crucial transition from the “absorbent mind” to the “reasoning mind.” Second-plane children are capable of abstraction, of using imagination to visualize concepts not seen. Armed with a strong foundation of concrete knowledge gained in the first plane, second-plane children begin to ask why—they seek to understand the causes of things and become sensitive to questions of morality and justice. At Villa di Maria, children in the second plane are served in Lower Elementary (ages 6 – 9) and Upper Elementary (ages 9 – 12) environments. These classrooms foster the child’s impulse to explore abstract concepts in science, geography, history, math, language, music, and art, and to gain a deeper understanding about the world. The social development of the second-plane child is also supported in the Montessori elementary environment. In fact, it is central to the Montessori elementary education. Children enter their elementary years seeking to find their place in a community of their peers. At the onset of each school year, the Montessori elementary classroom establishes a set of rules for their community. The children collaborate and lead this process. Through healthy debate and the support of the guide, the children create a classroom constitution, a document that expresses their shared values as well as the actions and behaviors required to uphold those values. This social contract becomes a point of reference for all of the children throughout the school year—something to guide them as they navigate through social development.

Third Plane of Development: Adolescence (12 – 18 years old)

During the adolescent plane of development, students deepen their understanding of the world and their place in it. This is a time of immense social growth and developing independence. Similarly to the first plane, the third plane is a phase of dramatic physical, mental, and emotional change and can be a time of turbulence, insecurity, and creativity. On their way to adulthood, students in the third plane work to discover who they are and how they fit into different social groups, their families, their communities, and the world around them. They try on different masks and personalities and seek role models to emulate. Montessori middle and high schools offer adolescents a place for this development. They offer students opportunities to explore and deepen their academic interests, express themselves creatively and socially, and make meaningful contributions to their communities. Montessori education allows adolescents to see themselves as valuable participants in the global community.

Fourth Plane of Development: Maturity (18 – 24 years old)

Dr. Montessori described the fourth plane as a time of maturity and the final plane of development. As adolescents enter adulthood, they develop a sense of certainty—a stronger sense of self. It is during this plane that young adults develop spiritual and moral independence, integrate fully into their communities, and begin to contribute to the construction of a greater world.Isn’t this what we want for our kids, to reach adulthood with the independence, security, and wholeness to make the world a better place? It’s what Dr. Montessori wanted and why she devoted her life to understanding child development and promoting better education for children. Because of her knowledge of the four planes, children at Villa di Maria get to experience the fullness and beauty of each plane in our classrooms from ages 14 months to 12 years and emerge from VdM in strength to enter adolescence and adulthood.References: “From Childhood to Adolescence” by Dr. Maria Montessori

Assessment in the Montessori Classroom

How do we assess students without tests?

For most of us tests were a big part of the school experience. Whether we liked them or not, tests feel familiar to us—they were how we proved we knew something, how we passed classes and grades, how we qualified for the next higher level of education. Tests are also something that are noticeably absent from a Montessori school. So, it’s hard not to wonder: how are we assessing our students? Without tests, how do guides know when content has been mastered or when to give the next lesson? How do we know when a child is ready to move into the next program? How do our students compare to their age-matched peers across the country?Montessori is grounded in two very important principles: the natural patterns of child development and child-led progress. Montessori believes each child progresses within general time frames (the Planes of Development), but at their own unique pace. From a Montessori perspective, formal test-taking does not give a complete picture of a child’s progression. A Montessori education is about more than what can be shown on a test. It is about leading each child toward the fulfillment of their highest potential in every aspect of their person, academically, socially, and emotionally—about giving each child a vision for life.This calling goes beyond preparing children to simply memorize and regurgitate material for an exam. Instead, the Montessori approach measures progress (a.k.a. assesses children) consistently throughout their time in the classroom environment. Montessori guides use a variety of methods to help each child meet their developmental milestones and master the academic curriculum and social skills appropriate for their age group.One way guides assess a student is through observation. In a Montessori classroom the guide carefully, deliberately, and objectively observes the children. This is an active, daily practice—they are watching and learning about each child as they practice their lessons every day. Allowing each child the time they need, the guide notices, listens—waits for indication that the child is progressing in the comprehension of, ease with, and precision in their work. Guides make themselves available for questions or requests for assistance and are ready to re-present a lesson (or a certain part of difficulty) as needed. And when a child has mastered a lesson, guides offer the next lesson in the sequence.Assessment is also integrated into the lessons offered by the guide. For every child, at the start of a new lesson, the guide reviews the previous lesson content to “test” what students remember and to build upon that knowledge. Throughout the day, the guides might also unexpectedly join a student at work to ask them questions about their activity—a sort of Montessori pop quiz. “I see you working on the area of a circle. Do you remember what we call the outside edge of the circle?”Observation and lesson-integrated assessment are skills employed by guides at every level. As children grow, new levels of assessment are layered in. In the Children’s House, guides begin to use the three-period lesson to offer language and crystalize a concept in a child’s mind. Three objects are chosen, such as a pentagon, hexagon, and square—objects familiar to the child after much sensorial exploration. In the first period of the three-period lesson, the child is given the names for the objects. In the second period, the longest of the three, the child is asked to identify the objects, but the guide says the names. In the third period, the guide points to the object and says, “What’s this?” The third period is the assessment stage of the three-period lesson, but only comes after ample time in the second period.At the Elementary level, the weekly conference is introduced. Guides check children’s work and note if lessons have been revisited, and if so, whether they are doing so correctly. Guides note whether a child is avoiding certain lessons and make a plan with the child for completion. They also make children aware of the state and national standards society expects them to know by certain grade levels. Children are actively engaged in their own assessments and are motivated (or redirected) to focus their work where needed.In the Upper Elementary we add in one more layer of assessment—the annual standardized test. The primary purpose of the test on our campus is to provide students the opportunity to develop the formal testing skills, as well as a test-taking comfort level they will almost certainly need as they grow older.At Villa di Maria, we love that students are not limited to learning only what the state requires. State standards are the baseline, but most students go beyond and learn about anything they are interested in. The universe is the limit to their learning!

Villa di Maria + MMUN

What is MMUN?

You may have seen the acronym, MMUN, in our Facebook or Instagram feed, or generously contributed to an MMUN fundraiser (thank you!!) but perhaps you may have wondered, what exactly is MMUN and why is everyone so excited about it?Montessori Model United Nations, affectionately known as MMUN, is a special journey for our sixth-year students, which culminates in a five-day trip to New York City for an international conference. Similar to traditional Model UN programs, each student assumes the role of delegate for a chosen nation and proposes solutions to complex global issues from their nation’s point of view. But for our delegates, the program is so much more.[gallery columns="2" size="full" ids="9254,9238"]

Beginnings: Peace, Dignity, Equality, Health

We begin each fall as students learn about the role and mission of the United Nations: peace, dignity, and equality on a healthy planet. It’s no coincidence that the mission of the UN echoes the vision of Dr. Maria Montessori herself, a lifelong advocate for peace education and equality. In 1927, Dr. Montessori even addressed the League of Nations, the predecessor to the United Nations. She spoke about the important role of education in achieving and maintaining world peace, and her words are still vitally relevant today.

Research: Going Global

As our students take on the role of delegate, they must first get to know the nation they will represent. With partners, they research their nation’s history, culture, economy, and environmental issues and explore what daily life is like for citizens and how they meet their fundamental needs. Students are often surprised by the living conditions of people around the world. Things we often take for granted—clean drinking water, electricity, healthy food—may not be accessible for all citizens in their country. How can this be?? They wonder. Their awareness of  inequality and injustice in the world grows, and delegates begin to imagine what their role might be in changing this.Delegates are assigned to UN Committees, which address complex issues like food security, fair trade, nuclear disarmament, xenophobia, poverty, and climate change. Their research now becomes focused on their particular topic. Students work to gain an understanding not only of the subject itself but also of their nations' approach to that subject. Our emerging adolescents must consider their own perspectives on these issues, and then do the challenging work to consider differing perspectives of others. During this process, the students' empathy for others and awareness of themselves as global citizens grow immensely.As does their research skillset: synthesizing information from multiple sources, evaluating websites for bias and authenticity, supporting claims with evidence, and always citing sources.

Position Paper: Perseverance and Achievement

Next, each student must organize their research into a formal paper, called the position paper.  It summarizes the global issue and proposes evidence-based solutions that could be implemented locally and globally.The position paper is often the most challenging part of the MMUN program because it is the first time these students have synthesized such copious amounts of information into a cohesive paper. The process requires perseverance and dedication as students revise their papers to make their ideas more clear, more compelling. But when they finally submit their polished paper, their smiles beam with the satisfaction of achieving their goal. Many high-fives and victory laps around the Magic Circle ensue and we always celebrate with baked goods! 🥳

Speech: Community, Confidence, Celebration

Now the time comes for the delegates to share their views with the larger community. Students at VdM are no strangers to public speaking. From an early age in the Children's House they share ideas and perform in front of others; our Elementary students present reports and make special announcements regularly. Still, the idea of presenting one's speech to a roomful of strangers at a conference can be intimidating.To ease their apprehension, our delegates rehearse often with one another, offering feedback and support. And as a dress rehearsal, each delegate distills their position paper into a one-minute speech designed to inform an audience of their families and classroom peers about their issue and compel them to support the proposed solutions.By the time they arrive in NYC, they are ready to deliver their speech with confidence.

NYC Conference: Independence and Consensus

Next, students pack their bags, hug their parents goodbye and board the plane for the Big Apple!As in the Montessori classroom, we purposefully limit the number of adult chaperones on the trip to allow space for the adolescents' growing need for independence and to encourage them to rely upon one another. Students plan which sites and restaurants to visit, pay for their own meals, and help navigate their way through the city.The conference itself brings students from around the world together to collaborate on solutions. Guided by a bureau of former delegates in their respective committees, the delegates discuss different aspects of the issue and voice their nation's point of view.Equally important is the art of listening, the means to finding common ground.  Inclusion, compromise, and consensus are the key tenets of the delegates' work at the conference. All voices are honored. All ideas are given equal consideration. Students feel empowered!Delegates definitely stand a little taller upon their return from the conference, a combination of feeling more independent, feeling proud and inspired by their work at the conference, and a new awareness of their role as a global citizen.

Legacy Projects: Be the Change!

As our emerging adolescents develop awareness of their place in the world, their work as delegates also nurtures a sense of optimism about the future and helps them discover the power they have to create change in their own community and beyond.We harness the exhilaration  delegates feel upon returning from the conference and help them launch legacy projects to enrich our community. Some projects have included planting trees on campus for more biodiversity, creating classroom materials for the Sustainable Development Goals, fundraising to help refugees in our community, and starting a lending library to promote literacy.The end of the MMUN conference does not mark the end of our delegates' journey.  They carry their inspiration forward to future endeavors, and many can't wait to participate again next year at their new school!

We Are VdM: Chung Yi Cheng

The very best part of Villa di Maria is our people. Our community of families, faculty and staff is something to be proud of. In this series, We are VdM, we’ll highlight the energies, talents, humor and wisdom of some of our amazing people. Today, we’ll meet Chung Yi Cheng, afternoon assistant in the P2 Children's House classroom. Chung Yi has been a sub and member of our late-stay team for several years, as well as the teacher in our after-school Mandarin club. Her attention to detail and her calm and comforting demeanor bless both staff and students alike! We are thrilled to have Chung Yi as a full-time member of our staff this semester!

How did you discover Montessori?

I was introduced to Montessori through a local Montessori school summer camp as an assistant and then as an after-hour program assistant before coming to Villa. I completed the AMI orientation course and have been to one conference and one workshop.

What do you like about Montessori?

I like that it respects individual development. Montessori guides teach individually or in groups and do not evaluate students' value based on grades. I like how Montessori provides real-world experience, and cultivates children's independence.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I always wanted to be an architect and interior designer, but the education system in Taiwan kept me from getting close to my dream.

What is your favorite thing to do on the weekend?

I like to be in the studio to create art from my thoughts, in the kitchen to make some yummy food for people I care about, or walking and traveling with my husband.Here's Chung Yi giving a lesson on colors in Mandarin. It is so exciting to be able to offer a bilingual experience to children!Welcome, Chung Yi, we're so glad you're here! 

We Are VdM: Jane Jennings

The very best part of Villa di Maria is our people. Our community of families, faculty and staff is something to be proud of. In this series, We are VdM, we’ll highlight the energies, talents, humor and wisdom of some of our amazing people. Today, we’ll meet Jane Jennings, assistant in the Upper Elementary Dodecahedron classroom. We are thrilled Jane joined our team this Fall, alongside Tina. Her background in professional vocal performance benefits her students, as does her positive, peaceful demeanor as an assistant.

​​How did you discover Montessori? 

I was actively looking for employment to fill my days while my boys were in school. A neighbor of mine told me about a position that was open at her son’s Montessori school. I applied, interviewed, and was hired to be Ms. Tina’s assistant, whom I’ve worked alongside for the past five years. I thoroughly enjoy being a part of the authentic Montessori environment at Villa di Maria. I wish I knew about Montessori when my boys were younger. 

What is something you love about Montessori? 

I love the idea of Freedoms and Responsibilities and that there are natural consequences for your actions. The idea is so simple yet impactful. I wish this concept would be introduced to all children regardless of their educational path.

What is your favorite thing to do on the weekend? 

I love the weekends because it means more time spent with my family. My husband, Paul and I enjoy preparing gourmet meals together. He is an amazing cook and I am his sous chef. I also like it when I find time on the weekends to bake. We love raising our sons, Everett, who is 15 and Ethan, who is a freshman at Truman State University. Jewel, our eight year old Boxer, keeps us busy and entertained. At the first hint of spring, we all like to be outdoors. We enjoy walking, hiking, home improvement projects, and I LOVE tending my flower gardens. 

What did you want to be when you grew up? 

I wanted to be a singer/performer. I wasn’t sure of the genre of music I would perform because I liked many different styles. With encouragement and direction, the decision was made in college to pursue classical music. I went on to earn a Master of Music in Voice Performance. I signed with an agent in New York and after 25 years as a soprano soloist in operas and concerts in Italy, Spain, Mexico, and across the United States, I can say that I have been blessed to see my dreams come true. 

What is your favorite memory/quote so far with one of your students? 

My favorite memory so far was during our Adventure Day at Go Ape in Creve Coeur Park.  So many students were concerned about the height and difficulty of the ropes course.  You could see their trepidation and sometimes sheer panic as they approached the start of the course.  Their courage to take just one step at a time with encouragement from their friends and teachers taught them to be courageous and to trust themselves. The smiles on their faces proved them to be victorious. 

Montessori 101: Environment vs. Classroom

We Montessorians sometimes use terminology that’s unfamiliar to folks more accustomed to a traditional school model, and this can lead to a bit of a mystification around the philosophy. It can even lead to the notion that Montessori schools are out of reach for the general population—that the methods in a Montessori school are too specialized, too… strange.In fact, the concepts of Montessori, and the vocabulary we use to describe those concepts, were borne from Dr. Maria Montessori’s education, research, and maybe most importantly, her observations of real children at work. In other words, Montessori concepts and vocabulary are rooted in the natural processes of child development, and these concepts are very familiar, even intuitive, to anyone who lives or works with children. In our Montessori 101 series, we’ll demystify Montessori vocabulary and explore the concepts that inform it. This week, we’ll unpack what we mean by an “environment,” as opposed to a “classroom”.Montessori often compares human development to the growth of a plant. The plant has everything it needs to grow within itself; it only requires the proper environment (soil, water, sunlight, warmth). Similarly, humans require certain environmental factors to mature and flourish. We know infants require consistent positive interaction with caregivers in order to form attachment and one day function in society. Babies need freedom of movement in order to learn to walk. They need to hear their native language to be able to develop language themselves. Amazingly, typically developing little humans acquire the abilities to walk and speak without any formal instruction! Movement and language develop organically in an environment rich with stimuli and interaction.

“Education is not something which a teacher does, but it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being. It is not acquired by listening to words, but in virtue of experiences in which the child acts on his environment.” (emphasis added)(Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind)

As children develop, they require a developing set of stimuli to aid them toward their full potential. Dr. Montessori observed that children pass through four stages of development from birth to adulthood. She called these stages, “The Four Planes of Development.” An in-depth look into the four planes of development is coming to the blog very soon—for now, the takeaway is this: the characteristics of children change from plane to plane; and each plane of development requires a particular environment and trained adult suited to the needs of that plane.In a Montessori school, classrooms (yes, we still call it a “classroom” sometimes!) are designed and thoughtfully prepared along the lines of the planes and sub-planes of development. Montessori divides the first plane into a sub-plane of zero-to-three years old and three-to-six years old—these are the Young Children’s Community (YCC) and the Children’s House. The YCC environment is designed to facilitate the natural work of the very young child: the construction of physical and biological independence. The YCC assists children as they learn to walk, talk, and perform activities independently. From ages to three through six, the Children’s House environment continues to foster the independence of the first-plane child.In the second plane of development, the sub-planes break down into six-to-nine years old and nine-to-twelve years old—Lower Elementary and Upper Elementary. In these environments children are offered materials and lessons to develop mental independence and a reasoning mind. The elementary environments also offer social opportunities as children become motivated to work and spend time with others. For this reason, the Montessori elementary environment provides larger work tables to accommodate groups of children. The elementary guide presents lessons to groups of children because of the intense drive to work with peers.A “classroom” connotes a room in which a class is held, where information is imparted from one person to another. Montessori doesn’t see education that way. In a Montessori school, we see the innate power children have to form themselves, as flowers do, given the appropriate surroundings—surroundings that meet the needs of the particular developmental stage. As Dr. Montessori said,

“An adult can assist in shaping the environment, but it is the child that perfects his own being.”

By calling the classroom an “environment,” Montessorians seek to give agency to the child in their process of formation. We see the trained adult as an important part of the environment, who guides the child in his journey toward becoming a fully formed adult.

Montessori 101: Guide vs. Teacher

Ever wonder, why do we call teachers “guides” or “directresses”? What do we mean by an “environment,” as opposed to “classroom”? Are we simply being esoteric, or is there a deeper reason? We Montessorians sometimes use terminology that’s unfamiliar to folks more accustomed to a traditional school model, and this can lead to a bit of a mystification around the philosophy. It can even lead to the notion that Montessori schools are out of reach for the general population—that the methods in a Montessori school are too specialized, too… strange.

In fact, the concepts of Montessori, and the vocabulary we use to describe those concepts, were borne from Dr. Maria Montessori’s education, research, and maybe most importantly, her observations of real children at work. In other words, Montessori concepts and vocabulary are rooted in the natural processes of child development, and these concepts are very familiar, even intuitive, to anyone who lives or works with children. In our Montessori 101 series, we’ll demystify Montessori vocabulary and explore the concepts that inform it. Today, we kick off the series with “guide” vs. “teacher”.

When many of us picture a traditional school setting in the United States, there’s an adult—the teacher—and a room full of students in desks. The teacher is at the front of the room imparting information to children. The teacher decides what, when, and how the students will learn material, usually in specifically scheduled blocks of time—one hour for math, one for English, etc. The teacher in this model is the active giver of information, and the students are the passive receivers. 

Dr. Montessori believed that children should be active participants in their own learning. In fact, much of the learning they are doing is constructing their selves. She used the words “directress/director” and “guide” to describe the role of the teacher because she saw that children thrived when they were directed or guided into their own learning. The guide is simply a part of the classroom environment in which children grow. Dr. Montessori also recognized that adults cannot perform the self-construction of the children—that responsibility can only belong to the children themselves. The responsibility of a guide in a Montessori environment is to assist children as they learn by connecting them to the work they need in the environment. 

On any given day in a Montessori environment, you’ll find the guide observing (always observing) and gently, quietly supporting each child through their school day. Through observation, the guide identifies and removes obstacles in the child’s way. For example, a guide may notice that a child struggles with a particular kind of paper or work partner, so they might offer the child an alternative style of paper or subtly direct the child toward new work partners to remove these obstacles. 

Montessori guides give children keys to unlock concepts and areas of learning through the lessons they present. Children repeat the lessons until they understand and master each of them. For instance, a guide presents a material called the “checkerboard” in the lower elementary classroom in order to teach multiplication. The guide connects the child to this material when the child is ready and the guide demonstrates how to use it properly. The guide then leaves the child to explore and repeat the procedure as long as they need, and steps in only if the child is truly struggling. Through time and practice, the child learns the concept of multiplication on their own. 

As Dr. Montessori wrote, 

“To aid life, leaving it free to unfold itself, that is the basic task of the educator.” 

In short, a guide is a teacher, but not a teacher in the way that’s presented in a traditional school model. A Montessori teacher, a guide, is a facilitator who journeys alongside children in the process of learning and self-construction and guides them toward their innate human potential. 

We Are VdM: Tina Lavi Condratov

The very best part of Villa di Maria is our people. Our community of families, faculty and staff is something to be proud of. In this series, We are VdM, we’ll highlight the energies, talents, humor and wisdom of some of our amazing people. Today, we’ll meet Tina Lavi Condratov, guide in the Upper Elementary Dodecahedron classroom. We were so lucky to have Tina join our team this Fall. She is a seasoned Montessori teacher from the St. Louis area. She adds tremendous expertise, fun, and dedication to our community. We also love getting to know Tina's husband, Andrei, and their son, Aero, who is in the YCC. 

How did you discover Montessori?

Montessori pedagogy is an extraordinary gift I serendipitously discovered. After graduating from St. Louis University with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education, I was exploring the St. Louis area for a full-time teaching position. I had never heard of Montessori education before, but a colleague of mine, whom I had been working with as an assistant at a Rockwood Elementary School at the time, mentioned a local Montessori school offering sponsorships for AMI Montessori training. She had recently accepted a Primary training sponsorship and recommended that I look into the opening they had for an Elementary training sponsorship. After I toured the school, I was immediately sold! I was fascinated by the small children deeply engaged in their work, focusing with such precision as they carried out their tasks. The beautifully prepared environments were so magical, and I wished to be a part of that fairytale. After a year-long training course in Baltimore, Maryland, I received my AMI Elementary diploma as well as a Master's Degree in Education from Loyola University. I began teaching Lower Elementary that fall. After 8 years of guiding LE children, I was fortunate to expand my class to a combined LE and UE environment for 3 years before transitioning into the role of an Upper Elementary Guide. I am so incredibly thankful for my Montessori journey, and my husband, Andrei, and I are beyond grateful that we are able to have our son, Aero, experience the joy and wonder of the magnificent Montessori Method. Aero is genuinely thriving in his own magical fairytale of a classroom here in the Young Children's Community at VdM.

What is something you love about Montessori?

Of all the wonderful things I love about Montessori, the thing that stands out the most to me is how unbelievably happy the children are to come to school each day. During undergrad, I was asked to write a philosophy of education. An excerpt I wrote was, "I grew up with children faking being sick so they could stay home from school. My goal is to inspire children to want to fake being well so they can come to school even when they're sick." Not that I condone coming to school when children are ill, but that mindset is something important to consider. A child's positive relationship with school has a direct impact on their love of learning. This passion, curiosity, and drive will set them up for a lifetime of confidence, independence, and success. Amazingly, my wish came true: my students often share how much they despise missing school, and when given the choice to take a day off (not related to illness), they often joyfully choose to come to school! 

"One test of the correctness of educational procedure is the happiness of the child."-Dr. Maria Montessori

What is your favorite thing to do on the weekend?

I love to spend time with my family outside, playing and exploring. Aero just recently built his first snowman and had his first sledding adventure. It is so much fun watching him experience things for the first time!

What was your favorite book as a child and why?

Where the Red Fern Grows. (SPOILER ALERT!) Even though the devastating ending is a real tearjerker, I related so much to the main character, Billy. I always wanted a dog growing up, and this boy's story of dedication, hard work, loyalty, and LOVE for his dogs (before he even had them!) charmingly broke my heart. I spent my childhood days running around in the woods with my friends, exploring creeks and fields, and loving nature. The continuous adventure and suspense in this book spoke to me as a young child and has always been my favorite.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a teacher from a young age, but I actually began my college career studying to be a physical therapist. With a family full of doctors, I had always had an interest in the medical field, and they encouraged me to follow in their footsteps.  I later decided to follow my heart and pursue a degree in education. I also had a dream to someday write children's books, and perhaps be the voice of a cartoon... 

What is a favorite memory with one of your students?

There are too many to choose from! Lately, I really love it when my students "freak out" after I show them something spectacular. "Ms. Tina, you're blowing our minds again!" is a recent favorite of mine. Just the other week, I was showing a group of students how to divide fractions by multiplying the divisor by the reciprocal. While checking our work, one student stood up, threw his pencil down, and walked away. "No…Stop. Just stop," he said with a giant grin on his face. I should start writing these all down!

Emotional Well-Being in the Montessori Classroom

 In today’s world, emotional literacy and well-being are vital for the flourishing of our children and young adults. Montessori philosophy naturally fosters this because we care about the development of the whole child—their emotional, physical, social, and intellectual development.In a Montessori environment, children are encouraged to pursue their unique learning styles; they aren’t rushed to master content for tests; and there’s no pile-on homework after a long school day. Montessori does not arbitrarily confine students in a one-size-fits-all grade level. Instead it encourages children to explore and learn at their own pace—it keeps natural curiosity alive and fosters intrinsic motivation. Montessori develops intellectual tools that grant children the joy of being life-long learners.Another way Montessori supports emotional well-being is through movement. In her work with children, Dr. Maria Montessori observed a need for movement and a drive to explore the world through the hands. We know from our own experience that we are connected body and mind. How we use our bodies affects our concentration, outlook, and emotions. Nutrition, sleep, and exercise (read, “movement”!) are critical in the development of strong mental health.In the Montessori classroom, children choose where and with whom to sit—where their bodies are most comfortable working. Many of the materials in the classroom environment incorporate movement of the body. For example, children move around the classroom to gather the materials for work; they manipulate small beads to do division; they follow language commands that lead them around the environment; and they perform experiments with solids, liquids, and gasses. When children are allowed to move freely in their learning environment, we see the positive effects expressed in their enjoyment of work and their upbeat demeanor at school.In addition to movement, nature has a powerful effect on our mental health. Numerous studies including those cited here reveal a link between time spent in nature and improved attention, lowered stress, and improved mood. At VdM, children have ample access to the outdoors and nature. Children at VdM experience daily hour-long outdoor recess. They also have the opportunity to work outside during the work cycle, spend time in the garden, feed the chickens, walk the classroom dog, rake the neighbor’s leaves, or carry out the trash, recycling, and compost.Finally, Montessori guides seamlessly weave techniques into their lessons that help children manage their challenging emotions. For example, guides model positive self-talk when a child is struggling to learn something new. They offer social scripts to help students navigate conflict; for instance, “I need some time alone before I’m ready to talk,” or “It made me feel... when you…” VdM guides employ specific lessons and work choices geared toward the development of emotional literacy as well. Some guides lead regular meditation practice, yoga, or teach breathing techniques to calm bodies and minds. Specific areas of the classroom environments are set up for children to practice calming techniques, such as a finger labyrinth or yoga poses.The wheel of emotions is a beautiful material that gives students a robust understanding of their feelings and those around them.At Villa di Maria we are grateful to accompany each child in their unique journey and contribute to the prioritization of emotional literacy and well-being in education and our world. We are raising future leaders that care about the individual and all the complex facets of human beings. 

A Renewed Mission

We are so excited to revive our blog this year, as we claw our way out of COVID survival mode. My name is Sarah Moscicke, and many of you may know me as a Villa di Maria guide. I worked for the last two years as the guide in the Racks and Tubes Lower Elementary Classroom and am excited to now begin contributing to VdM’s blog, as I also care for my two young boys at home.Throughout the pandemic, the work of the child has not stopped and VdM has continued to be committed to our mission:

“We support each child to develop academic excellence and the ability to embrace and respond to the challenges of today’s world with innovation, compassion, determination, grace, and kindness.”

The challenges of our world today and over the past two years are significant, but the VdM community of guides, assistants, parents, and children has met these challenges with determination, innovation, and kindness. We see the qualities of our mission statement evidenced in the children each day in the classroom and in the incredible support of our families. I’m so excited to share the beautiful moments from our community with you through the stories in this blog. We hope they inspire you with the optimism of the Montessori philosophy, offer hope for the present moment, and invite you to enter into the family that is Villa di Maria and the wider Montessori community.As Dr. Montessori said, “the child is both a hope and a promise for the future.” May the pages of this blog continue to manifest and celebrate this ideal!